
From personal experiences, preferred reading, and profiles, the following blogs span a range of topics for a wide range of readers. Visit my current blog for further reading.


Splurge on the Tea

Written as part of a Teaching Assistantship for Boston University, this post focuses on my experience drinking high tea at trendy-two-Michelin-star-highly-instagrammable Sketch in London. The post was featured in a July 2017 College of Communication newsletter. 

Splurge on the Tea PDF

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VisIt KBS Albion

After an enlightening group visit to KBS Albion London, I wrote this post for an assistantship with Boston University's College of Communication. The visit informed a summary and discussion of the day's major take-aways offered by hip media professionals. 

Mixing it up with Media Kitchen PDF

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Undiscovered Writings: Steinbeck's Forgotten currency

John Steinbeck's real purpose and motivation is still relevant today, acknowledged by this post from a larger piece of coursework at Boston University. See the full project here: W.O.W. Book Club.

Steinbeck's Forgotten Currency PDF